An overview of 20 years of Infostud
Infostud is a synonym for successful employment in Serbia. The leading websites for jobs and human resources are operating under its auspices - Poslovi.infostud.com, HRlab.rs, Startuj.com i HelloWorld.rs.
During the 20 years of Infostud's existence, there have been many moments of which we are proud and which have marked our development. That's why we compiled a detailed overview of the biggest successes and proudest moments of the Infostud team.
Infostud – employment centre
The leading websites Poslovi Infostud, Hello World, Startuj, and HRLab have been reorganized and rebranded as part of the Infostud employment centre.
The “Najstudent” site focuses more narrowly in line with market needs and is rebranded as Startuj, a site for employment and career development of young people.
Employer Branding
The Employer branding studio has been launched within the HRLab site.
HR Lab
The HR Lab platform was created for comprehensive HR solutions in the fields of recruitment and selection, talent attraction, and employer branding.
The IT website HelloWorld.rs has been launched, the first site in the region for employment in the IT sector.
Do you have any questions?
If you have additional questions or are interested in any of the fields of our activity, our team will be happy to provide you with answers and assistance.